All of our services are free of charge and confidential for women diagnosed with cancer and living in San Francisco. Our care navigators offer practical and emotional support to help you access services. We can connect with clients by phone or meet them in their homes, at our office, or wherever they feel most comfortable.
For more information, please call us at 415-674-4770.
Todos nuestros servicios son gratuitos y confidenciales para mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer que viven en San Francisco. Nuestras navegadoras de apoyo ofrecen ayuda práctica y emocional para acceder a los servicios que usted necesite. Podemos conectarnos con usted por teléfono o reunirnos en su casa, en nuestra oficina o donde usted se sienta más cómoda.
Para más información, llámenos al 415-674-4770.
Shanti免費及資料保密的服務能提供给居住在三藩市及患有癌症的女士。 指導員提供生活及心靈上的支持。我們可以和客户在電話上聯繫,在家裡、辦公室、或任何舒適的地方會面。
如想了解更多我們的服務,請致電 415-674-4770。
Our program augments hospital-based care and reduces the social, economic, linguistic, and cultural barriers that underserved women face accessing, maintaining, and completing treatment and transitioning into survivorship. We provide multilingual and culturally competent care navigation (with intensive emotional support) and health, wellness, and survivorship support activities. We offer our services free of charge in English, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Taishanese. However, we provide services to speakers of all languages.
We collaborate closely with social workers and health providers to ensure that clients are able to remain engaged in their treatment and health-building services. We continually work with partners and conduct outreach to build new collaborations with care providers and social service organizations to connect our clients with the appropriate resources that address the continuum of medical and social services needs.
Our services are designed to:
- Increase clients’ knowledge, access, and connectedness to care.
- Ensure clients have all the supports and resources they need to complete their treatment plans.
- Provide emotional and practical support from staff and volunteers to help reduce clients’ isolation and levels of stress.
- Improve clients’ abilities to manage their health challenges and advocate for their needs.
- Enable clients to transition into survivorship and continue to provide support through survivorship.
For more information, please contact Ai May Tan, Director of Shanti’s Margot Murphy Women’s Cancer Program at (415) 674-4770 or via email.